The Light Entertainment at the End of the Tunnel. Ridin' that train... yes, that train...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nazraelis killed civilians including children waving white flags

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/27/2009 | Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag, witnesses say

"The evidence we've gathered in two of the cases so far is exceedingly
strong," said Fred Abrahams, a senior researcher with Human Rights
Watch working in the Gaza Strip. "All the research so far suggests they
shot civilians that were leaving their homes with white flags."
The Nazis are back, but now they are Nazraelis pretending to be Jews! Would a real Jew do this? Would my Jewish grandfather? Would the Jewish guy I eat raw fish with all the time do this? Not so much... I don't know what these Nazraelis are, but I won't call them Jews, out of respect for my grandfather and all my Jewish friends. To think that we fought the Nazis, and now they're back and we're backing them! For shame!

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