The Light Entertainment at the End of the Tunnel. Ridin' that train... yes, that train...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Mozilla: redesign or die!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Cassius Mundus on Industrial Civilisation
Bulletin from the National Bureau of Standards
Ban on Short-Selling Will Hurt Rather Than Help Broker-Dealers
Ban on Short-Selling Will Hurt Rather Than Help Broker-Dealers
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Alien Giant Schistosome has a posse
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Who's Next?
Ripples across the pond
Who’s next? Last time I checked, GS was spinning around 100 just like that little guy in the boat in the toilet-cleaner add (maybe that didn’t run over there in Blighty). Of course, MS wasn’t looking too healthy either. In fact, they were last seen nearing 17, right about where MER was before they were allegedly acquired (not that MER or BAC are looking so good today either).
Now, stay with me here: “Giant Suckin’ Sound.”
Me, I’ve got puts on all of them. Dawgies, lookat’em go! YEEEEEEEEE-Hawwwwwwww!
Cash to the Rescue
"Helicopter Ben Starts the Printing Press (Updated)"
BULLETIN FROM THE CASH MUNDY STRATEGIC FINANCIAL RESERVEFree! It's all Free! And there's a whole bunch more where that came from, Earl! Ol' Cash may control $2.3 trillion, but he ain't about to forget Main Street, Bison Forks, Texas, nor Main Street, Santa Cruz, Cali-forn-I-A, neither! Yeeeeeeeeeeee-Hawwwwwww! [Minion's Missive: 4th refueling. We have been over the California coastline for some hours. Mr Mundy is hurling garbage bags full of paper from the loading ramp. They explode when they hit the slipstream: quite pretty, really. He has ordered ten thousand toner cartridges delivered with the next refueling.] BULLETIN/CMSFR/EOT
Earl Gets his American Spirit back
Dear Hank: Thank you for your speedy reply. It restores my faith in my Federal Government, and politicians in general. And I do apologize for my weakness in the moment. I’ve been bent over grabbing my ankles since last Friday night, and the blood rushing to my head has caused me great confusion. But, as a goodLemmingAmerican, I’ve sucked it up once again and have come up with a plan. I’ve decided to knock over the local branch of the Shadow Banking System, (SBS), but I’m having a real problem finding the damned thing, and felt really bad about it until I realized that you, and Ben, haven’t found the World Head Quarters either. So we’re in this together Hank. And one more request: In the event that I do find my local SBS Branch I would like you and Ben to go ahead and do one more of your many recent regulation hand wavings and make derivatives as fungible at my local market as Food Stamps. It would be a great help. Very truly yours, Earl L. Crockett Santa Cruz “Green and Mean” CA.
Those Fed Rat-Bastards!
"Fed Ponders Provides $85 Billion Rescue for AIG (Update: Now Official)"
I had no idea Hank was so heartless!Dear Earl, We would like to help out, we really would, but we're just not geared up to write a check for $000,000,005,000 Billion. We'd have to retool, and it would be an accounting nightmare. Also, America wasn't made the great nation it was by people thinking small. Face it, Earl, a few hundred people asking for a payout that none of us here can even count down to amount to nothing more than collateral damage. If you can arrange to overthrow an elected government somewhere, and kill at least a thousand or so bystanders in the process, get back to us. Otherwise, you need to quit whining and take one for the team like a goodlemmingAmerican. And another thing: when was the last time Santa Cruz elected a Republican? Face it, Earl, there are probably more registered Greens there than Republicans. Maybe you should ask the Japanese instead. It's been a tough week, and I have an early tee time tomorrow, so I've gotta run. But we're here to help, so drop us a line any time and best of luck. Hank
Earl's Story
"Fed Ponders Provides $85 Billion Rescue for AIG (Update: Now Official)"
It just hurt my heart to read this, and I just had to share it with y'all.Dear Henry and Ben: There is a tragic, almost systemic, breakdown about to occur at the end of the month in my home town of Santa Cruz, CA. If I can’t make my payments due shortly (no pun intended) it will devastate not only my children and wife, but the local mortgage company (20 employees), my auto repair shop where my car is presently being repaired (10 employees), my local market (50 employees), and their wine staff (5 employees), and the local car wash (also 20 employees). This is just a beginning example that will ripple through our town to hundreds and even maybe thousand of innocent person including those that used to make a decent living pan handling quarters on our Downtown Pacific Garden Mall. Think of the devastation! And all of this can be avoided. Please remit $000,000,005,000 Billion to me by Fed Ex over night on the same terms that you just extended to Lehman and AIG. You know I’m good for it. Very truly yours, Earl L. Crockett Santa Cruz, CA
Breaking the Buck
"Fed Ponders Provides $85 Billion Rescue for AIG (Update: Now Official)"
UPDATE FROM THE CASH MUNDY STRATEGIC TRADING COMMAND Reserve Primary Money Fund Falls Below $1 a Share...known as breaking the buck Slim Pickins! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-Dawgies! YEEEEEEEEE-Haw! [Underling's commentary: Mr Mundy loaded the double-wide in the Globemaster on Sunday, just finished third refueling. Mr Mundy last seen riding a bull off of loading ramp. For the second time tonight. Brighton seems very very far away.] UPDATE/CMSTC/EOT
Goldman Profit Falls 70%
"Goldman Profit Falls 70%"
Yee Haw! Look at my +GSMT Jan@100 puts go! Still $30 out-of-the-money and already trading well over $10! [Lackey's note: Mr Mundy is spending far too much time in his Trading Bunker, where he has "Ice Station Zebra" running on at least three of his monitors. At last report he was seen spinning in his chair cackling "I'm Rich, Byatch!" An American nouveau riche, and a Texan at that... the Horror... I'd retire to Brighton, but he pays too well and also has my passport.]Monday, September 15, 2008
Mother of All Black Holes
(Editor's Note: Mr Mundy is so far in the money that it has gone to his head and he has taken to referring to himself in the Third Person, and may buy himself a cult or two. We hope this is only a temporary aberration.) Cash wants to set the record straight on one thing: if the financials were on a rafting trip (you know, one of those team-building corporate field-trips), it would be in Class V (Eastern Scale) water at floodstage. Y'all might have seen Deliverance? Ol' Cash happens to have run the Chattooga a time or two, and in this case, last night the Guide fell out of the raft at Entrance to the Five Falls, today the raft went into Corkscrew and flipped, and now everyone is in the water swimming towards such famous drownin' machines as Crack In The Rock and Sock'em Dog. Hank, Ben and Tim are on river left with throw-bags, except that in their excitement they forgot you're supposed to hold onto the rope and throw the bag, and they are just hurling everything including their PFDs and Tevas into the river, possibly in a not entirely senseless attempt to partially slake the gluttonous lust of Earl the River God and his Dread Double-Recirculators so that maybe at least one of the swimmers makes it. Just so you know. But the 7-dimensional chimera who's 3+1-space world-line signature is referred to as "Cash" feels that y'all should know that what has actually happened is that when LEH imploded, so much liquidity concentrating in one place and then disappearing could only indicate one thing... Yes, you guessed it: those whackjobs protesting the LHC had the right idea, but they were lysdexic; it was actually LEH that would start the Mother of All Black Holes. Already you can barely see AIG and WM, they are so close to the event-horizon, and while BAC heroically tried to pull MER out, it just pulled itself further into the accretion disc, where it is spinning along with GS, MS and the rest. Remember Cash's pardner H. Ross Perot and his Giant Suckin' Sound? Now there's a light-show to go with it, mostly in the X-ray spectrum. The long and short of it is, we're all Doomed; in fact, in the long run, we're all Dead. But in the meantime, Cash is taking care of some business and would like to buy a suitable cult, ideology unimportant, serious inquiries only. He stashed some money in an International Bond Fund today, and also has a good supply of shiny glass beads in reserve.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tonkin Persian Gulf Resolution
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Configuration-Space, Transition Probabilities, and Time
The Handmaid's Tale
Thursday, September 04, 2008
WSJ background info on KDB
Maybe they actually do want LEH for more than just access to the Fed TAF.
A Dossier on Lehman’s Prospective Bosses: Korea Development Bank
Korea Development Bank may be a blank slate to many Americans; in fact, there have been virtually no profiles written of the Korean government’s financial powerhouse, which was described recently as “old and reckless” in the Korea Times . But now that KDB is in talks to lead an investment in beleaguered investment bank Lehman Brothers, it’s time to get acquainted.
And best to do it quickly, because KDB will soon change completely: it plans to seek a public listing by 2009 and leave government ownership by 2011. It also wants to buy banks overseas and expand its investment banking presence. Deal Journal took a look at the institution that could be calling the shots at Lehman.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Korean Kabuki: Enter Merrill
By Bomi Lim
Sept. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Merrill Lynch & Co.'s talks to sell a ``significant'' amount of nonperforming loans to Korea Asset Management Corp. are faltering because of a dispute over price, the Korean firm's chief executive officer said.
``We have yet to reach an agreement because of differences in assessing the value of assets,'' Lee Chol Hwi said yesterday in an interview in Seoul. ``We have been seeking to buy a significant amount, but a deal may be difficult at this rate.''
Merrill CEO John Thain, who took over in December, has sold assets and disposed of mortgages at a discount to keep the third- largest U.S. securities firm afloat amid more than $50 billion of credit market losses. Lee, 55, said state-run Korea Asset can afford to be patient because the U.S. financial crisis is likely to deepen, adding that he's also in talks about buying bad loans from companies including Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
LEH Kabuki: more of the brides blush
MUFG rejects report to invest in Lehman 11:05pm EDT
TOKYO (Reuters) - Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group said it has no plans to invest in U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers , rejecting a media report that it may bid for a stake. Full Article
Kabuki: Lehman and a Cast of Thousands
HSBC, Chinese Bank Reported To Be Interested in Lehman
One of the pet notions of M&A is that anything can be solved by price. Thus even a-
Jesse said...
Yep. the Mitsubishi interest floated out by The Times has also turned out to be a false rumour. curiouser and curiouser.
Blog Archive
- Socialism
- Mozilla: redesign or die!
- Cassius Mundus on Industrial Civilisation
- Bulletin from the National Bureau of Standards
- Alien Giant Schistosome has a posse
- Who's Next?
- Cash to the Rescue
- Earl Gets his American Spirit back
- Those Fed Rat-Bastards!
- Earl's Story
- Breaking the Buck
- Goldman Profit Falls 70%
- Mother of All Black Holes
- Tonkin Persian Gulf Resolution
- Configuration-Space, Transition Probabilities, and...
- The Handmaid's Tale
- WSJ background info on KDB
- Korean Kabuki: Enter Merrill
- LEH Kabuki: more of the brides blush
- Kabuki: Lehman and a Cast of Thousands
Reading about Korea's need to defend the won and difficulties doing so due to illiquid GSE holdings, it occurred to me that there might be a subtext to KDB's apparently nonsensical LEH bid, somehow resulting in the "Fannie, Freddie and other US-related agency" paper turning into cash or treasuries as a quid-pro-quo for rescuing LEH. I read Jesse's posting, and it looks like "a Wall Street Bond trader" has the same idea. From Jesse: Curiouser and curiouser. A Wall Street bond trader of our acquaintance has suggested that Hank made some princely gestures vis à vis Korea's huge holdings of Fannie and Freddie in return for some sugar on the Lehman problem. Maybe a stealth uncompensated taxpayer bailout of LEH, FNM and FRE can be quietly packaged up and sold in this way.